Child Information - Personal

Tip: Please enter a parent contact email to receive the program each term and be informed of any changes to locations/events.

Child Information - Medical

Tip: If your child requires medication or supervision for issues such as asthma or severe allergies, please provide an action plan. If your child requires any other medication to be administered by leaders, a consent form will need to be completed. If no issues, write 'Nil'.

Parent Contact Information

Parent/Guardian Agreements

All Adrenalites leaders have completed Safe Ministry Training and have a verified Working With Children Check number (WWCC#)

Payment Options

Payment of $4 per child or $6 per family can be made in cash each week at Adrenalites.

However, to minimise handling money at Adrenalites, we encourage people to pay online at the start of the term. You will be given a book of tickets that can be rolled over into next term if your child misses some weeks.

For this term (8 weeks of Adrenalites), this is $32 for an individual child, or $48 per family.

The next page will provide a link to the online payment.